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Rush for butt injections causes desperate women to be maimed with silicone and cement mix

(NaturalNews) As desperate women seek a more shapely butt, "pumping parties" are becoming a growing underground illegal activity. Authorities are beginning to see more people fall victim to these predatory scams. Deaths from these underground "pumping parties" have popped up all across the United States, from Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, to Pennsylvania and New York. On the website, Topix.com, a person posed a question about butt injections and the site received over 14,000 responses very quickly, showing that there is a growing interest in having one's butt pumped up to perfection.
According to plastic surgeon, Dr. John Martin, "Illicit cosmetic procedures have become common," as multiple people are often injected in hotel rooms in "pumping parties."
Pumping parties are hosted by predatory people who prey on other people's body image insecurities. Using home improvement substances like silicon, these "pumpers" fool others into receiving silicon, cement-mix butt injections. These butt injections are nothing more than homemade concoctions that subject people to poisonous deaths.
Furthermore, these silicone injections can easily move around and drip down inside people's legs, warranting infection and amputation. The injections can easily cause blood clots, traveling straight into the blood stream to other organs.
One example of this comes in the case of Shatarka Nuby, who paid $2,000 for each injection during a five year span. Nuby eventually passed away due to acute and chronic respiratory failure from the silicon injection that got into her blood and traveled to her lungs.
One Georgia woman used the internet to find a woman in her area named Tracey Lynn Garner, who offered injections for $1500 right out of her own home. The Georgia woman got blood clots in her lungs only a few days later. The autopsy revealed a silicon-like substance spewing from her butt and onto the floor. The medical examiner cut her open and silicon spilled "all over the place."
Michelle Brown, a 46-year-old woman from California, grew up being told she had a "pancake butt." After walking into a beauty salon one day, she was told her butt could be made bigger with injections. Michelle acted on the pressure and showed up at the woman's house the following week. The lady "pumped up" Michelle's butt with industrial silicon she bought at the local home improvement store. Michelle's butt quickly became hard and painful. She sought professional medical help soon thereafter and realized she had a staph infection. The infection brought her close to death. She ultimately had her hands and feet amputated. Now, Michelle speaks passionately on the topic, and authors a website that encourages others to accept themselves for how beautiful they are. All for an image, all for cultural acceptance, some women desperately put their lives on the line, taking the injection right in the butt.
Much of this insanity stems from the mass bombardment of television, print, and radio ads that make people feel inadequate or insecure. The images and sounds of the media prey on people's insecurities, marketing directly to their inner weakness, stealing away their rational judgment. By bombarding people's minds with pop culture images of Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, the media injects inadequate feelings into those who derive their self worth from the culture around them. With all the "perfect" body images floating through the malls and on the cover of clothing store ads, minds are programmed to hate who they are and become someone they are not. A desperate pursuit to fulfill the void ensues, as the person feels they are lacking the perfect body image qualities. So, they search out "answers" they think will correct their "imperfections." Butt injections are one such example of people seeking this acceptance.
The cultural images and voices all around are pressuring men and women to be someone they are not. On a small scale, this pressure can be seen in people who obsess about dressing a certain way or keeping up with trending hairstyles. In some cases, people vomit and starve themselves to become thinner. For some, it could mean changing the shape of their butt. In any case, the programming and the deception is real. People aren't encouraged to be who they are but are instead taught to conform or be cast out.
There is a desire in everyone to be all that one can be, strong and healthy, but a person doesn't have to bend, cut, inject, maim, or starve themselves to find quality of life.
Some will look to a butt injection to fulfill a void and there will be those who stand firm in who they are, strong in character, confident in themselves.
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