A well intentioned October 13, 2004 report to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) entitled "Post Licensure Safety Surveillance for 7-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine" was intended to increase closer scrutiny of vaccines after they are on the market.
The seven valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine referred to is the Wyeth PCV shot that begins at two months and is repeated four times by 15 months of age. The carefully crafted report was submitted by Dr. Robert P. Wise, John Iskander, and others. However well intentioned, the perspective is from MDs who honor the holy medical sacraments of vaccines. The authors give that away when citing Wyeth's trials without questioning efficacy.
Some of the report's lines deserve commentary from someone who doesn't worship vaccination religion. Each line from the report will have quotation marks with comments on the quotes following. Incidentally, VAERS stands for the CDC/FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
"A total of 4154 reports of events following PCV were submitted to VAERS,
for a rate of 13.2 reports per 100,000 doses distributed."
Keep in mind that even the CDC estimates only five percent or less of all vaccine adverse events are reported to VAERS. It's a voluntary program. And this JAMA report was two years after the PCV jabs started and included only the USA's PCV vaccinations. Most parents don't know of VAERS or are too brainwashed to see the connection between a vaccination and paralysis.
Many doctors are too busy or would rather not admit they've administered an injurious shot. Long term ill health that develops later in life is even more rarely connected to vaccinations by MDs, parents, or those who've received multiple vaccinations.
"There were 117 deaths, and 34 cases of invasive pneumococcal infections possibly representing vaccine failure." That's quite a few deaths for kids who probably didn't make it to the age of two. And maybe the infections weren't indications of vaccine failure, but causation from live attenuated streptococcal bacteria. That isn't even considered in the report.
"Immune-mediated events occurred in 31.3% of reports." Immune mediated, nice phrase for someone's immune system over reacting and attacking the person, causing auto-immune diseases. This could even result in Guillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS).
"Neurologic symptoms occurred in 38% of reports." That could include ADD, autism, or GBS. Notice the A word (autism) or GBS were not used. Yet that's what has been happening among many vaccine vaccine injured.
"Seizures described in 393 reports included 94 febrile seizures." Many of those seizures tend to introduce paralysis. The P word (paralysis) wasn't used either.
"The proportion of reports portraying serious events was similar to that for other vaccines." Is this a concession to the dangers of all vaccines?
This is partly to illustrate mainstream medicine's cavalier attitude with vaccine injuries, even among decent doctors with real concerns.
And this can't be over emphasized, the five percent of actual adverse events reported to VAERS represents only the tip of an iceberg of vaccination injuries, many of which are more gruesome than the medical jargon used in the JAMA report. Then there are those pesky deaths. Of course, VAERS records are not publicized in the mainstream media.
Many health experts and MDs have gone on record (not carried by mainstream) stating vaccines don't confer immunity. Instead they disturb the natural immune system and compromise immunity, possibly for life.
Meanwhile, there is no real proof of vaccine efficacy, only authoritative declarations. With the tip of an awesome casualty iceberg showing to the well informed, it's amazing how vaccinators get away with vilifying parents for avoiding childhood vaccinations when the real risk to imagined benefit ratio makes no sense.
Sources for this article include
The full JAMA report http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/292/14/1702.full.pdf+html
Thanks to Gaia Health (gaia-health.com) for passing on the JAMA report
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